Saturday, February 18, 2017


1.  Start fresh every single day.

2.  Check your credit card statements, bank account, and pay stubs regularly.

3.  Adopt a "Meatless Monday" mentality.

4.  Put down your phone when you're out with people.

5.  Try the 2/30 rule:  2 hours of TV, 30 minutes of exercise.

6.  Understand that exercise doesn't have to be a big time commitment.

7.  Cut back on sugar.

8.  Drink warm water with lemon and cayenne pepper daily.

9.  Don't try to keep up with the Joneses, you'll lose.

10.  Use retinol if you're starting to get wrinkles.

11.  Ask HR about benefits you're probably not using.

12.  Practice safe sex, always.

13.  Never grocery shop on an empty stomach.

14.  Start biking even in a short mile.

15.  Keep healthy snacks at home and at work.

16.  Stop beating yourself up.

17.  Don't do drugs or say 'NO' to drugs.

18.  Stop smoking or 'Never' smoke.

19.  Take care of your clothing.

20.  Eat whole foods as much as possible.

21.  Consolidate and pay off debt as soon as possible.

22.  Don't skip your yearly Gynecologist appointment.

23.  Don't overdo the booze.

24.  Don't snack if you're not hungry.

25.  Use SPF, and wear a hat in the sun.

26.  Don't rely on pills if you can not sleep.

27.  Drink at least 8 ounces of fluids a day.

28.  Make your home a place you want to be.

29.  Don't buy things you know you'll only wear once.

30.  Use YouTube for free exercise videos.

31.  Google "How to make your own cleaning supplies.

32.  Drop loose change into the same jar daily.

33.  Stand up for yourself.

34.  Avoid tanning beds like the plaque.

35.  Take medication seriously.

36.  Listen to your body.

37.  Do not lose sleep.

38.  Do mental health checks.

39.  Read labels on everything from food to make-up.

40.  Prioritize stress management.

41.  Optimize your fertility, if you plan on kids.

42.  Consider drinking liquid chlorophyll.

43.  Always wear seatbelt, even in taxi.

44.  Wash your hands often.

45.  Floss after every brushing.

46.  Sneeze into your arm, not your palm.

47.  For every 20 minutes on a computer, look away for 20 seconds.

48.  Count to 10 when you're angry.

49.  Learn to make constructive criticism.

50.  Never let google diagnose you.


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