Thursday, August 8, 2013




Sharon Gold is a native New Yorker who gained critical attention in the seventies and eighties for her reductive, abstract, and conceptual pieces.  She has a long history in the Big Apple among artists, dealers, curators, collectors and critics.
Here are Ms. Sharon Gold's advice for 'Goddess Grooming':
~  Cut down on alcohol and cigarettes to avoid wrinkles.  Too much liquor dehydrates the skin and continually pursing the lips while smoking causes aging lines.
~  Keep your chin up!  It's not only good for morale but makes shadows and puffs under the eyes look less dark.
~  It's socially acceptable to refresh your lipstick in a restaurant or other public place, but save a complete make-up redo for the restroom.
~  Feeling down in the dumps?  Retouching your lipstick will give you an instant lift.  Try it and see!

Sunday, May 5, 2013



Some of Hollywood's movies actresses are famous for their fabulous and bodacious beauty and we wanted to know what are their secrets in maintaining their flawless looks.  They could afford expensive beauty products but some of their beauty secrets are homemade and affordable, which is very good for us.  Now we can also have their beauty looks without spending hundreds of our hard earned money.  So, here are their homemade beauty secrets!


Catherine Zeta-Jones is one of the beautiful Oscar winners that is known for her beautiful, long, dark, and silky hair.  She keeps her hair in tip-top shape with her grandmother's beauty advise.  She uses and massages castor oil into her scalp to keep it healthy.  She also does a rinse with it to make her hair shine.  According to her, the elixir also works wonders when it comes to fighting hair loss.


Julia Roberts, the 45-year-old star of "Pretty Woman" keeps her hand younger looking by soaking them in olive oil for 10 minutes once a week to keep her skin soft and supple.  Olive oil is one natural beauty product treatment that Julia swears by.  Moreover, it moisturizes her nails without weakening them and softens the cuticles too.
The bodacious star and former judge of "American Idol" number one beauty product is Vaseline.  Vaseline, which is a petroleum jelly is been around for more than a century.  Jenny from the block depends on the bathroom-classic as her makeup remover and skin moisturizes.  She also luxuriously put it on her feet and covers them with a pair of socks at night to keep her tootsies soft.
Jennifer Aniston, America's favorite sweetheart and former star of "Friends" uses sugar to make her lips sweetly kiss-able.  The 43-year-old actress mixes a tiny amount of sugar with a little water to create a fine paste.  She put the fine paste on a toothbrush and daps it on her lips for approximately two minutes

Susan Lucci, the 66-year-old veteran actress of "All My Children" is a woman who still looks amazing at her age.  Her beauty secret is snacking on sardines.  Sardines is loaded of omega-3-fatty acids, which are the important components for flawless skin.
Teri Hatcher, the 48-year-old actress of "Desperate Housewives' bath with water infused of red wine.
After she drinks a few glasses of red wine, she pours what's left of the bottle into her bath water to keep her skin soft.  Red wine is also a great exfoliant according to Teri Hatcher.
Gwyneth, the 40-year-old star of "Iron Man" discovered this beauty tip while she was pregnant with her first child.  She noticed that her hair appear gorgeously healthy and strong while taking her prenatal vitamins, so she is taking them ever since.  She believes that the vitamins keep her hair from drying out and becoming damage even she has a double-processed blonde hair.
The Latina 45-year-old model and actress believes that by drinking one liter of chamomile tea and one liter of water each day is her secret to drop weight quickly when she feels that she is gaining pounds.


Sunday, January 6, 2013




Before we get busy in our every day life and trying to accomplish our goals, plans, and projects in our life in this life this new year; we should take time to look deep inside us to understand who we really are.  We should take time to know what we wanted and the determination to stand by that desire until we realize it.  We should take time to know where we going before we start our journey.  Most of all, we should take time to always be ourself, have faith on who we are, and be free to express who we are.

If you asked me who I am, my answer is I am a goddess guru.  I believe that my role and goal in my life in this life is to inspire women to realize and accept their true goddess self.  In realizing and accepting the goddess with in us, we set no limits on everything we do, physical or anything else. Upon our realization of our own goddess potential and self-confidence in our goddess ability, we can build a better, happier, richer and peaceful life.

So let us take time...
Take time to think.  It is the source of all power.
Take time to read.  It is the fountain of wisdom.
Take time to pray.  It is the source of perpetual youth.
Take time to be quiet.  It is the opportunity to seek God.
Take time to be aware.  It is the opportunity to help others.
Take time to love and be loved.  It is God's greatest gift.
Take time to laugh.  It is the music of the soul.
Take time to be friendly.  It is the road to happiness.

Take time to dream.  It is what the future is made of.
Take time to pray.  It is the greatest power on earth.
Take time to give.  It is too short a day to be selfish.
Take time to work.  It is the price of success.